Episode 168: Restless Kaiser (Modelling for Advantage)
This episode I speak to Mr Restless Kaiser of Modelling for Advantage. Modeling for Advantage is a Youtube Channel putting together battle reports for various games along with other content for our viewing pleasure from a number of different people. I enjoy the level of banter and hijiinx that goes on during their games, I always have a chuckle watching it and I’d heartily recommend you having a look see.
The audio was a little dodgy as you will hear but its good enough for the chat and to understand. In a perfect world we’d have a plush studio and I’d helicopter the guests in, they’d land on the roof and be ushered into some private quarters to relax in a hot tub before the show, but we dont live in a perfect world, so unfortunately we have to get what we are dealt.
I had great fun talking to Restless Kaiser and I hope you enjoy the chat. Modelling for Advantage Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBA5kqFD2Ju3TR0aQJ3Yu6w Hang out with us more and support your community: https://www.patreon.com/paintalltheminis