Episode 157: Christmas Special (Finding Value in the Hobby?)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Merry Christmas if you celebrate this sort of thing. This is the PATM Christmas Special episode so waddle on over to your hobby table and chow down on some painting as opposed to all that turkey!

Mr Fish and I have a little Christmas quiz followed by another ramble into the hobby from our perspective, value. Here is the original article I wrote, its just what came out when at Starbucks for an hour https://www.paintalltheminis.com/paint-all-the-minis-news/2018/10/14/value-in-the-hobby-how-do-you-find-it-does-it-matter

It was an exercise I did to try to find out how it stacked with other hobbies I do/had done, especially as a reaction to 'Oh those are really expensive'. I actually think this hobby is incredible value IF you game sustainably!

Anyway I hope you enjoy the show and your winter holidays.