Landy's Wishlist Wednesday
Hullo my fellow paint water connoisseurs! How's the basecoat drying? Licking those layers? Well put the brushes down lend me a moment of your time for another one of our favorite little happenings here on the page, the infamous Wishlist Wednesay!
It's been a rough week since our last chat! Came home to a broken compressor! An accident prone little one managed to shear the brass fitting between the compressor and regulator assembly, leaving part of it stuck in the regulator. I searched high and low all week and weekend with no luck. As it turns out, it's a proprietary size and threading to my compressor :( $50 later, I have a new regulator and a fitting en route to me today! Talk about a top of the Wishlist item!
It was also a bit of bad timing with that since I was scrambling to paint Drow over the weekend. Had to hand brush on some primer to progress with the project, which hopefully will be done by tonight!
And after the desk is no longer a dungeon crawl, I can begin working on my new personal project, some Menoth models I swapped for, but I'm going to be using mostly the P3 paint line to try and match their paint scheme. Also ordered a few extras along the way that should arrive soon. I'll be updating with progress on this painting journey over at the new Paint All The Minis website starting next Friday so keep your eyes on the horizon for that one.
And lastly, pictures were leaked of the new upcoming game from Warlord, Cruel Seas! This one snuck up on me under the radar like a German U-boat! I fell head over heels with the game War at Sea by wizkids some years back but couldn't get over the randomness of booster packs. I wanted my Yamato darn it! The prepainted aspect bugged me too, but they were passable for what they were. I always wanted to repaint them or wish they were sold unpainted. It sounds like someone at Warlord had the same desires from 10+ years ago too lol. I can't wait to get more info on this one!
That's all for now from my desk. Tonight I'll be putting the compressor back together and then getting stuck in on my painting challenge models! Don't forget next Friday is the deadline for this one, but we've got loads of entries coming in for this one so it's going to be a cavalcade of different models! If you've got a pair of models you've been meaning to work on, get cranking and submit them by next week to be featured in the review video! Till then be sure to share what's currently on your desk getting two thin coats, wet blended, or weathered! Happy painting everyone!