Mortal Gods: Mythic - pt 1

Hiya and you know, long time no see!

I thought it was about time that I appeared again in this arena, this time to talk about the new expansion to Mortal Gods by Footsore Miniatures and Games. Yes that’s right, Mortal Gods – Mythic!

For those that don’t know, Mortal Gods is set in the world of Ancient Greece, You control a Lochos (that’s like a small warband) of men and engage in skirmish size combat games to either bludgeon each other to death, or achieve a noble objective. 

There are a growing number of factions to chose from for the ‘core’ game right now, Athens, Sparta, Persia, Thrace and Kushites (an offshoot of Persia, fair enough. but also a standalone faction) as well as the tried and trusted ‘standard’ Greek army that comes in the core game. All have a flavour of their namesakes and offer different tactical options that suit varying play styles.

The ‘core’ game uses an alternating blind-pebble-drawing mechanic to decide which unit or hero you activate, and combat resolution is made easy with a shield, sword, or Pegasus (basically a bonus available to heroes or specific units) dice roll. Sounds complicated? Please don’t worry, I will explain all as we go through. 

But, I hear you cry, we know all this! We are not luddites of the gaming arena. Why, oh Jamie, are we going over this old ground?

Well it’s to set the scene for the new Mythic release!

Mortal Gods Mythic FS.jpg

Mortal Gods – Mythic is an expansion to the historically-based game that introduces the wealth of Greek Mythology to the game. You want to play Jason & The Argonauts? Yeah, that’s cool. You want to play an army of undead skeletons, as per that grizzly old guy that threw down teeth? Yeah, that’s cool too!

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Four new factions have been added: followers of Zeus, Hades, Hera, and a Heroes/Demigods faction. All play slightly differently and have their own Unit Card Deck, as well as a generous release of accompanying models in the ‘first wave’ - which was funded on Kickstarter in early 2020. There is also a new supplement/rule book which introduces each faction, how it plays, and the expansion to the rules to allow such wizardry to take place. 

Mortal Gods Mythic FS 3.jpg

Let me be upfront. I am a fan of the original game. I cannot, and will not, tell porkies about that, but this is NEW! I want to get to the bottom of how the changes to the game affect my level of enjoyment! Do I REALLY need to partake in this? Is it worth my hard-earned money, and will I want to go back again and again to play this game once the dust settles?

To try and accomplish the mission I have set myself I will be basing my conclusions on the following: value for money from the Mythic Kickstarter. Yes I backed it, but do I now feel its worth it? Are the models I received a fair swap for my cash? When I play on the tabletop am I enjoying myself? And just as importantly, are my opponents still enjoying themselves? After all, I need to feel comfortable that I have an army people are happy to play against if I want to avoid being ‘that bloke’

In the next couple of articles I hope to walk through the game logically, and end with at least one battle report (now our gaming club is back up and running – but it’s 2020 so let’s not count any chickens just yet)

Can Mythic reach mythical gaming status? - OR - is it as dead as open-toed sandals and a loin cloth?