Episode 163: Josh B (PATMOCON 2020)
Get your ticket for the 11th-13th April here: https://www.paintalltheminis.com/patmocon-2020
This episode Josh B and I have a bit of chattage about the Paint All The Minis Online Convention, or PATMOCON 2020 as it is. What we hope to do with this podcast is share with you the key information about the event so you can see if it is for you or not.
Before I say anything else about anything its important to note that the world is crazy right now, things we are usually able to rely on are pretty much wholesale removed from our routines, I hope you are all safe, well, and remaining sensible in your actions and intent.
PATMOCON came about to offer positivity in the face of that negativity. We want to give these totally understandable and logical social restrictions a kick up the arse and show the things that can be achieved if people come together and not allow a dearth of hope to swallow us. It is my personal belief that some people need this now, we need something like PATMOCON, to look for ward to, to enjoy, and to engage with.
We need you, we need you to start reaching out to your guys and gals you interact with in the hobby, dont just brush it off and think someone else is going to. We are a community, all our actions make our community stronger, more positive, and more engaging. So copy the link and fire it at a buddy. The worst they can do is think about it and decline, and if so then it will remain an option they could have chosen at a time when those options are scarce.
The industry needs us too! Think about the financial uncertainly every single company is now under. From the biggest to the smallest. I for one want them to be there when this is all done and dusted, they have brought us amazing games and content to interact with, I dont want them to have to go and get a job which would prevent them from chasing their dreams.
We cant do this without you, and if ever there was a time to back YOUR community, then its now.