Posts in Paint Ramble Podcast
Paint Ramble Special: On Geeking 4 (Joe V and I chat nonsense)

Hey, Seeming as I have been displaced from China due to Corona and am struggling to record right now I thought I would release a previously patreon only episode! I hope you are all good and staying healthy! If you are generous enough to support us via patreon then it allows us to do more stuff!

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Episode 161: Duncan Rhodes (Hobby Content Producer)

This episode marks pretty much 3 years of podcasting shenanigans and hijinx, it has been a fun journey so far. 161 fun episodes with a massive assortment of guests from interesting backgrounds has been a rip-roaring ride and it has been great to share in the awesome stories. Thanks to everyone who has been listening in whether this is your first episode or your 161st, we’ve come a long way and it has been a pleasure to spend my time with you all.

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Episode 160: Why I love Chain of Command (Travis H)

This episode I speak once again to Travis Hiett, an integral member of the PATM family and also creator of the Tabletop CP YouTube channel. We have a ‘why I love’ podcast and he talks about all of the reasons why he loves Chain of Command, the WW2 game from Too Fat Lardies. I always love talking to Travis, and I also always enjoy the why I love podcasts, so this was a double treat, we hope you enjoy!

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Episode 157: Christmas Special (Finding Value in the Hobby?)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Merry Christmas if you celebrate this sort of thing. This is the PATM Christmas Special episode so waddle on over to your hobby table and chow down on some painting as opposed to all that turkey! Mr Fish and I have a little Christmas quiz followed by another ramble into the hobby from our perspective, value.

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Episode 156: Dave Oliver (Models for Heroes)

This episode I speak to Mr Dave Oliver who is not only an avid miniature enthusiast like you and me, but he also volunteers for an organization called Models for Heroes. As you will hear in the show we go through Dave’s personal history but we also ask why he decided to volunteer with this charity. Models for Heroes runs therapeutic sessions for forces veterans & emergency services personal in need of some activity that will allow them to redirect themselves into a more positive place.

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Episode 154: Leandros (Parabellum Wargames)

This week I speak to Leandros of Parabellum Wargames. Parabellum recently fully released their tabletop fantasy game Conquest, The Last Argument of Kings. I mention this throughout the show but one of the overriding features of this tabletop massed battle game is how developed it appears to be on its initial release. Also which is really refreshing is that they went straight to market and did not crowd fund. There is nothing wrong with crowd funding per say but it is refreshing to see a game eschew this and go through more traditional methods. Alessio Cavatore of River Horse is the chief rules writer and in a pretty competitive market there are enough things in the game to make it stand out.

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Episode 152: Sustainable Gaming 4 (Social Health & Playing Regularly)

This week is the 4th and final episode in our mini series where we go into greater depth in what we feel we mean with the term sustainable gaming. Remember this term was created to try to get to grips with the hobby more and to give us pause for thought in regard to what we get and what we want out of the hobby to make it the most enjoyable as possible.

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Episode 145: Why I love Open Combat (Jonas E)

This episode I speak to Jonas Ekman in a Why I love podcast where he talks about all the reasons he loves Open Combat. I will let Jonas talk to you about the details and why he loves it so much but some headlines are that Open Combat straddles skirmish/RPG games and allows you to use any models you have whilst also allowing you to stat them in any way you’d like . I really enjoy the Why I love podcasts and this one was no exception. I hope you enjoy the chat. We arent salesmen and we arent looking to influence you but if you like the sound of Open Combat you can find out more here:

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Episode 144: Mike Hutchinson (Gaslands)

This episode I speak to Mike Hutchinson the writer of Gaslands, the post apocalyptic game of vehicular combat and racing, and also the upcoming game A Billion Suns which comes in 2020.

I loved talking to Mike as his demeanour, candour, and insight makes for a great chat. Its obvious from our chat that he is a positive & hard working guy and there were so many threads I would have liked to chase down but alas time marched ever on and I could ask all I wanted to. One key area that came up in our pre show and mid show chat was the idea of having a growth mindset, if you aren’t aware of what a growth mindset is then go and do some reading on it as it is something that I truly believe that can help in personal and professional situations. Carol Dweck is the person you need to look into.

Its something I dont claim to be perfect at, and Mike quite rightly pulls me up on some slack thoughts I put out there in regard to games but there is a common thread that pops up regularly on the show with people who have ‘done something’ in the hobby industry and that is their ability and craft are developed and honed with time and experience. Sounds simple and straight forward when you read of it but the execution is what separates people like Mike from other people who maybe have a great idea but just dont ever do anything with it.

I really do hope that I manage to get Mike back onto the show in the future as the hour literally flew by and it was a true pleasure.

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Episode 143: Olly Gibson (Liberum Esse & PATM)

This week I talk to Olly Gibson an average Joe just like you and me who enjoys the hobby but also has his YouTube channel Liberum Esse where he posts his thoughts. I will let Olly tell you what this means in due course. The show was a run rambly chat as it should be and covers a wide variety of things. It was great speaking to him and it is people like Olly that have made, will make, and currently make my experience in this hobby a positive one. I really subscribe to OIly’s ideas and the way he goes about things, very laid back, down to earth, and positive. I hope you enjoy the show!

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Episode 142: Alessio Cavatore (River Horse Games): What makes a good game?

This week I talk once again to Alessio Cavatore of River Horse Games. I spoke to Alessio back in episode 51 so if you want more info on his personal history then go and check that out. In this episode we talk about what he has been up to since our last chat, we poke about the diverse set of games and activities he has been up to with some huge and well known IP’s, and we also talk about what he thinks makes a good game. I am really enjoying revisiting previous podcast guests and asking them what they think makes a good game. Both Lardy Rich and Joseph McCollough have been on recently with their opinions and it has been so interesting to hear their opinions. From reenacting historical scenarios, to narratives, to sophistication though simplicity of rule set. Its always fun talking to Alessio and I hope you enjoy the show!

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Episode 141: Mantic's Ronnie Renton (Kings of War 3rd edition et al)

This week I speak once again to Ronnie Renton of Mantic Games. We have a catch up on his BBQ technique, Dungeon Saga, The Walking Dead: Call to Arms skirmish game (an expansion to the All Out War narrative), along with Kings of War Vanguard & also the announcement of Kings of War third edition. Always fun talking to Ronnie and I hope you enjoy the show.

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Episode 140: Joseph McCullough (What Makes a Good Game?)

This week I speak once again to Joseph McCullough the creator of Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep,and Oathmark to name just 3. In this show we talk about what has been happening with him since we last spoke in episode 106, we also talk about his opinion on what makes a good game. He highlights the holy trinity that may be at odds with each other. If you haven’t heard from Joseph before I recommend going back to episode 66 for our first chat, then to 106, and then this one. Reason being is that in my first chats with people I tend to get to know them and their history. Subsequent ones we refer back to that but delve deeper into subjects. 

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Episode 139: Stuart M (Great Escape Games)

This week I speak to Stuart of Great Escape Games. Great Escape Games not only offers a wide variety of interesting rule sets such as Dead Man’s Hand, a western style skirmish game, Iron Cross, 1914, Seven Days to the River Rhine, all table top war games in a variety of eras, but they also offer miniatures in ranges that may not be offered by other companies in the eras we play. Romanians, Mountain Italian Alpini, Greek Mountain troops to name 3 such ranges from the WW2 era.

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