Hobby Progress July 2019
July 2019 Hobby Progress 183/365 minis painted this year!
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Painting Recipes
Blood and Plunder: Filibusters
Undercoat: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Uniform: Thousand Sons Blue, Agrax Earthshade Wash, Ahriman Blue Highlight
Hat/Shoes: Abaddon Black, Agrax Wash, Mechanicus Standard Grey Drybrush
Cuffs/Leggings: Mephiston Red, Agrax Earthshade Wash
Flesh: Cadian Flesh Tone, Agrax Earthshade Wash
Gold: Retributor Armor, Agrax Earthshade, Sigmarite Drybrush
Silver: Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil Wash, Agrax Earthshade Wash, Necron Compound Drybrush
Gun Stock: Mournfang Brown, Agrax Earthshade Wash, XV-88 Highlight
Leather: Doombull Brown, Agrax Wash
Bases: Dryad Bark, XV-88 Drybrush, Sylvaneth Bark Drybrush
Base Coat: Leadbelcher Silver (Rattle Can)
Metal/Bodies: Nuln Oil, Necron Compound Drybrush
Guns: Abaddon Black, Mechanicus Standard Grey Drybrush
Gauss Hoses: Warpstone Glow, Moot Green, Biel Tan Highlight
Gold: Retributor Armor, Agrax Earthshade wash, Liberator Gold Highlight
Blue: Thousand Sons Blue, Drakenhof Nightshade, Ahriman Blue Highlight
Bases: Martian Ironcrust or Martian Iron Earth
Base Coat: Wraithbone (Rattle Can)
Skin: Highlight Contrast Plaguebearer, Lahmian Medium and Ork Flesh mix, Niblet Green Drybrush
Armor: Highlight Iyandan Yellow, Nazgrog Yellow mixed with Lahmian Medium, Nazgrog Yellow of low edges.
Ropes and Leather: Snake Bite Leather Contrast Paint.
Cerastus Knights
On Sprue: Leadbelcher Spray, Nuln Oil Wash, Agrax Earthshade Wash, Necron Compound Dry Brush.
Assembled: Black Templar Contrast on the Armor Plates, Necron Compound Dry Brush as needed.
Shield: Alaitoc Blue, Skink Blue Dry Brush, Drakenhof Nightshade Wash, Pallid Flesh White Dry Brush
Bronze: Balthazar Gold, Agrax Earthshade Wash, Sigmareite Drybrush