The #NoMinis2020Quest
As my #PileOfShame* is large I will try to not buy any Miniatures and hobby supplies in 2020.
I will order the next few days a few bottles of Primer which is the only item I'm short on, and then I will save a massive amount of time & money by not looking at new Minis online and buying any hobby-related things for the next twelve months.
With this post I'd like to invite a few brave Mini-Painters to join me in this Quest! I think the most difficult thing is to commit to it, the rest should be rather easy I believe (I have done a similar experiment in the past with outdoor gear, which worked out fine). No worries, possible Kickstarters and such do NOT count towards this limitation (as they're already paid), but I will cancel my Minicrate subscription.
The Goal of this Quest is to learn to be happy with what you have, and paint the Minis you own, instead of wanting constantly new Minis and hobby supplies which you see online or in the store. Equally I want to become a better painter and use the colours I have instead of having the feeling that I need exactly that brown to paint something when I already have a dozen different browns and just could mix the colour.
There's no hard & fast rules to join the #NoMinis2020Quest, just an informal commitment in the Facebook post to trying to not buying any minis + hobby supplies in 2020. Four "Fails" are allowed (for the possible case that one runs out of primer in March!). I hope to have many fellow Mini-painters who will join me!
*or #QueueOfInspiration for a more positive perspective :)