Blam's Hobby Blog

Nighthaunt!!! So I started putting together some AoS Nighthaunt lists and I am gonna try the “Slow Grow” league at my local shop. That being said, I starting putting together models. After magnetizing over 100 models I decided to take a break and kit bash some Respawn points.

I grabbed some zombies and entrails from Whiz Kids, some skull and tombstones from GW and a few Bones Minis. I started added basing, cutting some minis and BLAM!! I have some really cool additions to my army. I am going to add some grass tufts when I figure what I am going to use on the miniature bases, but I am calling these done.

Little things like this are fun to create and I feel really add personality to your army. They are also fairly easy to build and can usually be made with spare bits.  

Next time I will show you guys some GHOSTIES in progress! See you then!

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