Episode 90: Paul Hicks (Sculptor & Owner Of Mutton Chop Miniatures)

This week I speak to one of the finest sculptors of historical minis in the world, Mr Paul Hicks. Paul sculpts for a number of model companies along with his own company Mutton Chop Miniatures. If you are into historical minis from WW2, Napoleonic era, victorian and WW1 then you have probably picked up and enjoyed his work. 

As always with my shows they are not categorical journeys about peoples work to date, it is more of a meandering chat about whatever comes up. We talk about how Paul first got into the hobby as a child, how it developed and progressed and then onto his part-time/full-time/part-time/full-time tussle with getting serious in sculpting. 

Many thanks to Paul for coming onto the show and spending some of his time with us, it was a real pleasure and I hope you enjoy the show.
