This week is the 4th and final episode in our mini series where we go into greater depth in what we feel we mean with the term sustainable gaming. Remember this term was created to try to get to grips with the hobby more and to give us pause for thought in regard to what we get and what we want out of the hobby to make it the most enjoyable as possible.
Read MoreIn part two of the SPQR Hobby Series Travis shows you how to speed paint the Gaul portion of the starter box, and shows his completed Gaul army!
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In this final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In this final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreWelcome to another Sustainable Gaming podcast where Mr Fish and I delve a little deeper into the concept. This week we focus on painting regularly and also how the hobby may positively or negatively effect our physical health.
Another great chat for me personally and I hope you take something from it also.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreIn this Series we break down the rule book and look at the different aspects of the mechanics and rules of this great miniatures game, giving examples on how to play different aspects of the game as an aide memoire for existing players, as well as an insight into the game for new players. In the final video we put it all together into a mini scenario to give you a feel of how the game plays.
Read MoreThis episode I catch back up with Mr Fish as we delve a little deeper into sustainable gaming now we have set the scene in episode 1.
We look closer at the idea of not allowing ourselves to buy too much stuff and also how this hobby may positively or negatively effect our personal mental health.
Read MoreThe Saga at Sea Continues in Episode Two of our Blood and Plunder series: Raid at Sea!
Read MorePainting the zombie hordes can be a daunting task. Invader is probably the easiest of the series to get a nice table top quality paint job on quickly and easily. Check out the step by step guide to getting a worker ready for the table in next to no time!
Read MoreThis episode is the first of 4 episodes that will be released over the next month on the topic of sustainable gaming. Doing something in a sustainable fashion is something that I am incredibly interested in, along with why people do the things they do, plus also the external and internal pressures we put on ourselves in our personal and professional lives.
Read MoreIt took some time, but the entire starter box set is assembled! Join Tyler as he rambles about his thoughts on the new models from Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings!
Read MoreDrek takes you through a few turns of Invader’s tutorial missions. This is a general overview of how to play Invader and will get you ready to take your first steps into the Zombie Alien Apocalypse.
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