Battle Report: Black Seas: The Hunt for La Santa Maria
Welcome to this Bat Rep for a Solo scenario using Warlord games Black Seas ruleset. The scenario involves hunting down and destroying the ghostly pirate Captain Sanchez and stopping his torment in the Carribean. Captain Sanchez is controlled by a basic AI system allowing players to enjoy a game without needing another player. There is a basic abridged version of Captain Sanchez’s orders below and the full colour PDF containing the entire scenario and rules will form part of the virtual swag bag, received by attendees of the first Paint All The Minis online Convention PATMOCOM (link found below). Hope you enjoy it.
La Santa Maria.
• La Santa Maria is a 5th rate frigate with veteran crew.
• She cannot be grappled and will never strike her colours.
• She will pass directly through other ships (or terrain smaller than 5inch diameter) and they, through her, rather than colliding. When this happens the ship in question takes D10 damage (representing crew that have suddenly vanished into the service of Captain Sanchez) and the La Santa Maria is placed directly inline with the course she was on, on the far side of the ship passed through, or vice versa.
• When ever the La Santa Maria is hit by cannon fire she disappears, reappearing on the table using the “Random appearance” rules.
• La Santa Maria is vulnerable to fire damage and as such takes double damage when hit with “Red hot shoot” or set ablaze.
• La Santa Maria has the “Streamlined Hull” upgrade to represent her ghostly speed.
• La Santa Maria is not affected by the wind and sails permanently at “Battle Sails”in any direction.
• When activated La Santa Maria will sail directly towards the nearest ship as best she can within the confines of normal movement, firing on any ship that comes within range as she passes. Captain Sanchez is ruthless in his quest to acquire more crew!
• La Santa Maria is sunk when she reaches 0 (or less) ship points.
• If a ship, La Santa Maria is targeting strikes their colours or is sunk that vessel is removed from play, her crew now in the service of Captain Sanchez.